Fact Book & Public Resources


Chicago State Univeristy IER and Data Analytics Office

The University Fact Book is a downloadable .pdf file that provides data on the most recently completed academic year, including enrollment and completion trends, student and faculty/staff characteristics, and university features. 

Student Achievement statistics relating to retention and degree completions are available on the IER and Data Analytics website Student Achievement page. Note that data are available for the most recent Academic Year; downloadable files displaying data by Program and CIP are available below each table on the main page.

Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE)

IBHE's Enrollment and Degree Data Tool allows users to search a database containing information on institutions, degree levels, fall enrollments and degrees awarded by fiscal year, race/ethnicity and gender, dating back to 1996.Results can be exported into Microsoft Excel, Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt) or Comma Separated Value (*.csv). The data source this tool is student-level data reported to IBHE by instituions listed in the tool (e.g., CSU's IER and Data Analytics office).

Under the Student Parent Data Collection Act (110 ILCS 149), the Illinois Board of Higher Education worked in conjunction with the Illinois public universities and advocates to develop an operational definition, execute a workable data collection plan, and, annually report information on this student group. Annual reports are provided below.

Student Parent Data Collection Act Annual Report: Academic Year 2022-2023

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)

NCES's Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) is a system of 12 interrelated survey components conducted annually that gathers data from every college, university, and technical and vocational institution that participates in the federal student financial aid programs. The data collections occur in fall, winter, and spring. You can work with IPEDS data, including CSU's data, from the prior completed academic dating back to 2001. Use this quick guide to retrieve CSU data reported to IPEDS.

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